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Fridge “Model1”
Placeholder website page for Fridge Model1 (used for test purposes)

BattBump – Bad Kickstarter by Cat Clark from Sydney
A horrifically bad kickstarter campaign by ‘Cat Clark’, seeking $30k AUS, is now cancelled. The BattBump kickstarter implied that it…

FPC1500 Rohde & Schwarz Spectrum Analyzer and VNA Review
This review is condensed from a full FPC1500 review at element14, click here. There is also a video here: Usability…

Raspberry Pi 3B+ Wireless Chip – Cypress CYW43455 Block Diagram
The Raspberry Pi 3B+ has quite an interesting wireless chip on-board – quite a lot of functionality! Split up into…

Device tree, setting GPIO2_1 as an input
With a BeagleBone Black with the latest image (6th June), I tried this device tree fragment: (Zip file contains the…
1mm and 1.25mm pitch connectors
Some photos to help identify connectors. These ones are JST SH which are 1mm pitch wire-to-board shown here, with surface…
Ultra portable pocket PSU
Although a bench PSU is useful, sometimes I prefer testing with something more portable. This ultra portable PSU has a…
7 segment Alphabet
A surprisingly large amount of the ASCII table can be represented with a 7-segment display. The image here shows what…
Crimp pins, sockets and housings
Like it or not, the 0.1 inch spaced (2.54mm) header pins or sockets on PCBs are extremely common. There are…
fpga4fun – any good?
I personally feel a beginner is better advised to purchase a more open platform like Papilio One. The fpga4fun boards…